Wednesday, November 25, 2009


a slogan on a tshirt
reminds me of you

sometimes its a person
i see walking by

then sometimes its
the time that you'll usually call

other times its
someone's randomn love story similar to ours

sometimes a restaurant i think you will like
sometimes when im looking through books of shelves
sometimes a shirt i think youll look good in
sometimes when i find something funny and want to not forget so i can share it.

different times
different reasons
each missing feeling different from the next
oscillating between the miserable and the acceptance
outcome still remains the same

miss you.


Ashraf's Pen 5:54 AM  

I simply cant choose my favourite line here.

There are just too many.

I love the first three stanzas and the last one especially.

Confusion and memories is our world

Kudos. A work reflecting ur brilliance withpoetry as ever

heenad 8:26 PM  

lol so so far from brilliance. but i do like ths poem since its heartfelt. thank you :)

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