Saturday, September 29, 2007

kuch kariye kuch kariye nuss nuss meri khaule…hoye kuch kariye - chak de, india

so the movie of the week is chak de. normally, in sports genre kind of movies, the worst team miraculously ends up winning in the end. this is far far from reality. the opponent is usually the bad guy, its never ourselves or anyone within our team. its usually depicted that a team is rock solid with no internal problems of their own. i think this movie tackles all these issues, in particular, that sometimes one becomes so focused at achieving ones own personal goals, that teamwork takes a back seat. and we all know, you can never win a battle on your own.

i think sharukh khan is subdued, powerful, inspiring all at the same time. and i normally think he is a little over dramatic. but here he is very very good, the heart and soul of the movie. there is no moment in the movie that i feel when is this going to stop. the girls in team india have done a great job, especially the actresses who play komal, preity, balbir(sp) and bindiya. i think the emotions are very real. after a lecture one doesnt really suddenly become" good", the realization doesnt suddenly dawn on them, like in most hindi movies. in reality, there is still undercurrents of tension and being irritated at one another. this is realistically captured in the standoff between the coach and the senior player, where the senior player has to deal with ego or love for the game. and sometimes its hard to change. and how one has to deal with these kind of personalities, it comes across. i.e when sharukh khan tells her shes the only one who can help them win this particular match.

not only is this movie about winning, its about religion as well. but subtle not being too preachy. how sometimes, in fact i think we are the only nation that mixes sport with religion. so ridiculous.
then the movie is also about how pple still view what women can do and cant. and itsnot just some remote villagers who think that, but pple who live in the city and are supposedly "progressive".

all in all a great movie, with some great performances.


Anonymous,  9:49 AM  

looks like u didn't see the post match presentation after the T20 world cup finals...Did u hear Shoaib Malik speak? you would appreciate the mixing of religion and sports there...

heenad 12:16 PM  

actually i didnt even watch taht match, im not really a cricket buff. but i googled after i read your msg and i guess pakistan is another nation which mixes religion with sports. i dont know to whom his statement is more offesive , the non muslim pakistanis or muslims who arent pakistani and who actually support their country's team. really ridiculous. most affected i think are the pple in the team who arent muslim. god knows how they must feel.unless pple realize that sports is about your country, not you or the religion you follow i dont think we will ever win.
this is another example of how religion and state and relgion and sports should not mix. the only area i think where i think they should mix is when you get holidays for all christmas, diwali and eid. =)

heenad 12:18 PM  

*hanukkah, chinese new year etc etc (this list is not all inclusive)

Ashraf's Pen 1:28 PM  

Since someone did raise the point of religon in the team of a certain country, I think its more interesting that after the laughable comment by Shoaib comes on stage Irfan Pathan to claim man of the match prize.

The problem is that many people forget religion should be a private affair.

If it is an affair after all.

Ashraf's Pen 3:26 PM  

btw Irfan Pathan is part of the indian team and is the son of a poor muezzin(the one who reads the azaan) of a mosque.

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